Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Multiple attacks announced by the "New World Order"

The news that you'll still read it seems incredible to us that given the background of published English newspaper who leaked this information from this blog and from other web sites we denounced a move by the Daily Telegraph with a warning " game, "combined terrorist attacks in different cities.
This is a form of Freemasonry took notice about their movements, this time from the London newspaper.

ABC.es (in spanish) agency reports:
"Manufacturers of active pumps in Afghanistan may have already developed the ability to produce such a bomb using knowledge gained through the Internet, writes today The Daily Telegraph, quoting the report."
More later: "The Daily Telegraph, described Al Qaeda as the first transnational organization that supports the use of such weapons against civilian targets and trying to get them.
The report states that by 2002, when Afghanistan was under control of the Taliban, Al Qaeda established plants where there to conduct research about those weapons of mass destruction. "

We denounce these pages since this is an outright lie and that future attacks are planned by the Masons who want to create chaos around the planet.
This may be in order to declare war on Iran or vice versa.

Daily Tellegraph told him as a kind of macabre game called Operation Black Jack.
This is part of a macabre plan to establish in the world called New World Order "that will" order "of the antichrist. There will be multiple attacks across the globe because they are advising us in this is true what was said by Jesus Christ,
Matthew 10: 26 "So do not be afraid, there is nothing covered that shall not be disclosed or hidden that will not be known.
10: 27 what I say in the dark, speak in the light, and what they hear in my ear, proclaim from the rooftops. 'We come from different spheres warning but as it is beginning to say openly, brazenly .

Just as the attack on the Twin Towers was a farce the next "attack" will also be a farce.
Everything is prepared in advance for the world to reach the so-called "clash of civilizations" who come seeking for decades.
We also causes astonishment that coincidentally has one of the letters of the "Game" INWO (Illuminatis New World Order) that will detail in this post.

We were warned several years before the attack on the Twin Towers through this gloomy letter to his game:

Then they told us something with this letter still did not note in the letter following the Big Ben in London, this was once a letter today is informed by the newspapers of the world, is not it striking?

Before the Daily Tellegraph "joked" ironically with his game "Black Jack", but today it tells us from its pages "serious".

This is no joke, not a political issue, nor religious, spiritual.
The god of this world (Satan) will guide these people are looking for chaos and to submit to their false messiah: The antichrist.

The Daily Telegrph note: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/7500719/Nuclear-terror-risk-to-Britain-from-al-Qaeda.html

ABC.es note: http://www.abc.es/agencias/noticia.asp?noticia=319974

Isaiah 55:6 Seek the LORD while he may be found, call upon Him while He is near.
Isa 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and return unto the LORD, who will have mercy on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Are you standing on the Rock of salvation?

God bless you!

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