Saturday, July 31, 2010

US army top brass blamed for rise in troop suicides

Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?


THE leadership of the US army has been accused of failing to pay enough attention to the mental health of troops after a record number of soldier suicides.

An internal army report found the top brass had failed to recognise a disturbing trend and was often too distracted by planning for the next military mission.

With the US stretched militarily as it fights wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the report commissioned by the army's vice-chief of staff, General Peter Chiarelli, found the suicide rate among soldiers had jumped to record levels, surpassing the civilian rate.

Last year, there were 160 suicides among soldiers on active duty, putting the army suicide rate at 20.2 per 100,000. The US national average is 19.2.

The study, commissioned by General Chiarelli, also reported 1713 suicide attempts last year and 146 deaths caused by high-risk behaviour such as drug abuse and drink-driving.

According to the report, the number of suicides has increased steadily since 2004. Also on the increase among soldiers has been the use of prescription drugs

such as anti-depressants and painkillers.

The report pins responsibility on US army leaders for failing to detect earlier the signs of post-traumatic stress disorder among soldiers, and neglecting those at risk of suicide.

It is particularly scathing about the military leadership allowing an increase in risk-taking behaviour.

"Leader accountability" had atrophied, the report said.

"There were too many gaps and seams in programs and processes that allowed high-risk behaviour to continue undetected and seemingly unchecked."

General Chiarelli said it would be wrong to blame a rise in the suicide rate only on a decade of war. Nonetheless, he was concerned that the suicide rate had been pushed higher because soldiers had been sent on multiple deployments to war zones.

"That has just always been my concern, that they may be it, that may be the reason.

"But I don't have any data that I can tie that to," he said.

General George Casey, the army's chief of staff, said, because of the "unprecedented operational tempo" of the past few years, military leaders were continually focused on the next deployment of troops.

"After nearly a decade of war, we must keep pace with the expanding needs of our strained army, and continuously identify and address the gaps that exist in our policies, programs and services," General Casey said.

"This comprehensive review exposes gaps in how we identify, engage and mitigate high-risk behaviour among our soldiers."

The US plans to withdraw combat troops from Iraq next month but will leave 50,000 soldiers in the country. After President Barack Obama's decision to deploy an additional 30,000 troops last December, the US has close to 100,000 soldiers in Afghanistan.

Isaiah 55:6
Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

“Top Secret America”: The Rest Of The Story

Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?


The Monday, July 19, 2010, edition of The Washington Post featured an investigative report entitled “Top Secret America,” with the subtitle, “A hidden world, growing beyond control.” The report begins, “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.

“These are some of the findings of a two-year investigation by The Washington Post that discovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to keep the United States safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine.

“The investigation’s other findings include:

*Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States.

*An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, D.C., hold top-secret security clearances.

*In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings–about 17 million square feet of space.

*Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S. cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks.

*Analysts who make sense of documents and conversations obtained by foreign and domestic spying share their judgment by publishing 50,000 intelligence reports each year–a volume so large that many are routinely ignored.”

On the surface, the Post report appears to be a valiant effort by a major mainstream newspaper (second in influence to only the New York Times) to expose widespread government abuse and chicanery. But don’t get too excited yet.

In Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (July 23, 2010), Skousen writes, “The [Post] series has just enough tantalizing information to sell a lot of papers, but almost nothing that exposes the illicit side of US operations–a large portion of which is involved in recruiting, training, and running covert agents–only a small portion of which are spying on real enemies. A lot of spying targets our allies and patriotic Americans who the government worries could someday provide a source of rebellion against the growing totalitarian state.”

Skousen further charges that there is a “dark side” to “each agency of [federal] law enforcement.” This “dark side” involves “a lot of compartmentalization, front activities, hidden budgets and false stories in order to keep honest government employees and agents from knowing what’s going on behind their backs.”

Skousen continues: “What few do get a glimpse into government’s dark side are warned off with threats, some subtle and some lethal–threats which send a chilling message to others to not ‘ask too many questions.’” Skousen then quotes the Post report as saying that since 9/11, the NSA (National Security Agency) has grown to where it now consumes “1.7 billion pieces of intercepted communications every 24 hours: emails, bulletin board postings, instant messages, IP addresses, phone numbers, telephone calls and cellular conversations.”

Concerning all those government organizations and private companies working on counterterrorism projects that the Post report refers to, Skousen writes, “Once again, the series tells us nothing about the substance of what they do, much of which is unsavory and illegal.”

Skousen goes on to say, “What [the Post report] won’t tell you is that almost a third of these [NSA] operations are dedicated to black operations against Americans and other Western governments who need to be surveilled in order to control them and keep them from resisting the agenda of the New World Order. Much expense is allocated to spying on the unsavory private behavior of Congressmen, and even State officials–building compromising dossiers on people who influence the political process so they can be coerced into compliance when necessary.”

Skousen also chides the Post report for failing “to show how connected certain companies are to the mercenary contractor explosion that is growing into a force that will eventually be used to threaten individual liberties at home. The Powers That Be don’t need to hire foreign armies to clamp down on American dissidents. They are training hundreds of thousands of mercenary Americans to do it and using foreign wars to sort out who is ruthless enough or unprincipled enough to take orders without questions–similar to the way the Nazis sorted and selected those who would form the Brownshirt and SS brigades.”

See Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief at:

See The Washington Post report at:

In short, while claiming to expose the federal government’s “hidden world,” the Post report actually does little to uncover the illegal and dark activities that Washington employs against the US citizenry, and by so doing serves more to cover up this sinister activity. Even so, do you not find it more than a little interesting just how few media sources did anything to pick up the Post report? Did you read any of this in your local paper? Did you see anything of this on CNN or Fox News? Come on, folks! You are aware that most of the media outlets (including network television) in this country obtain the vast majority of their “news” from The New York Times and The Washington Post, are you not? So, how convenient is it that this report (such as it is) was virtually ignored?

As I’ve said in speaking engagements–both large and small–all over America, We have more to fear from Washington, D.C., than from Tehran or Baghdad, or from any other foreign entity. America’s founders understood this and tried to warn the American people accordingly. For example, Daniel Webster warned, “There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing.”

The protection of the people from the totalitarian tendencies of their own central government in Washington, D.C., is why the framers of the Constitution included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment was never about duck hunting or target shooting; it was all about the American citizenry being prepared to defend itself against its own federal government. The founders’ distrust of the central government is why they attempted to divide the power and authority of government into three separate branches. They expected the three branches to compete against each other and to hold each other in check and balance against governmental abuse. And this is also why the individual states each maintained their own sovereignty and independence when creating the central government in 1787, because, at the end of the day, it is going to be the states that form the final fortress for freedom.

For all intents and purposes, the three branches of the federal government have done nothing to prevent the massive expansion of unconstitutional governance by Washington, D.C. The passage of the Seventeenth Amendment was the beginning of the end, as far as separated power was concerned. Neither has it made much difference which political party was in power in DC. The unlawful expansion of federal power has continued under both. This means that there are only two remaining protections against absolute federal tyranny: 1) strong, independent, and defiant State governments, and, 2) a determined and fully armed citizenry.

The Washington Post report (for all its failures) should serve to remind the American people of just how vulnerable we are (and have always been) to totalitarian government, how fragile liberty and freedom are, and how necessary it is that we remain eternally vigilant to resist the machinations of power-mad Machiavellians in Washington, D.C.

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

(c) Chuck Baldwin

Isaiah 55:6
Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Israeli Police Impunity

Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?




A decision by Israel’s Supreme Court to double a 15-month jail term for a policeman who shot dead an unarmed Palestinian driver suspected of stealing a car has provoked denunciations from police commanders and government officials.

Yitzhak Aharonovitch, the internal security minister, condemned the judges for “sending a terrible message to police officers”.

On the advice of police lawyers, the accused policeman, Shahar Mizrahi, had appealed his conviction last year in the expectation that the ruling would be overturned by the Supreme Court.

Mr Aharonovitch and Dudi Cohen, the police commissioner, said they would immediately seek a presidential pardon for Mizrahi. “I won’t merely support a pardon bid, I’ll lead it,” Mr Aharonovitch said.

But groups representing Israel’s large Palestinian Arab minority said the outrage at the doubling of the 15-month sentence for Mizrahi reflected the reality that the police force expected impunity when it used violence against Israel’s Palestinian citizens, who comprise a fifth of the population.

At Mizrahi’s original trial last year, the district court judge, Menachem Finkelstein, ruled that the policeman had acted “recklessly” during an operation to stop car thefts in the Jewish town of Pardes Hanna in 2006.

Despite his life never being in danger, Mizrahi had used the butt of his gun to smash the window of a car in which Mahmoud Ghanaim, 24, was seated and shot him in the head from close range. The court also noted that Mizrahi had changed his testimony several times during the investigations.

According to Mossawa, an advocacy group, 40 Palestinian citizens have been killed in suspicious circumstances by the security forces over the past decade. Mizrahi is the first policeman to be convicted in such a case.

As of yesterday, an online petition calling on the Israeli president, Shimon Peres, to pardon Mizrahi had attracted more than 5,000 signatures in a few days, and a Facebook page supporting the policeman had 1,300 fans.

Gideon Levy, a columnist with the liberal Haaretz newspaper, warned yesterday that those “siding with Mizrahi are eager to have a police force that kills -- but just Arabs, of course”.

Jafar Farah, the director of Mossawa, said: “The atmosphere of racism in Israel is being used to destroy the legal system from the inside, using the justification that Arabs are being killed.

“The reality today is that the police can kill an Arab citizen in any circumstances and know that there is almost no chance they will pay a price. The safeguards are being stripped away.”

Relations between Israel’s Palestinian minority and the police have been marked by profound distrust since late 2000, when police shot dead 13 protesters and wounded hundreds more during largely non-violent demonstrations in the Galilee at the start of the second intifada.

A subsequent state commission of inquiry found that the police had a long-standing policy of treating the country’s 1.3 million Palestinian citizens “as an enemy” and recommended that several officers be prosecuted for their role in the 13 deaths.

After a long delay, state prosecutors announced in 2008 that no one would be charged.

In several speeches since he took over as security minister last year, Mr Aharonovitch has promised measures to restore the minority’s faith in the police, including recruiting more police officers from the Palestinian population and fighting high rates of crime in Arab communities.

According to a police report submitted to the parliament earlier this year, only 382 of more than 21,000 police officers are Muslim – or less than two per cent.

At the appeal hearing last week, the Supreme Court increased Mizrahi’s jail sentence after ruling that Judge Finkelstein had not given enough weight to the victim’s life and the value of deterring similar police behaviour in the future. Under police regulations, Mizrahi was entitled only to shoot out the car’s tyres or fire at Ghanaim’s legs.

Immediately after the ruling, Mr Aharonovitch reported that he had called Mizrahi to tell him: “Your fight has become all of our fight.”

He was backed by several retired police commanders and a Likud MP, Danny Danon, who said he would submit a bill barring the indictment of police officers who open fire when they believe they are in danger.

In a sign of the mounting pressure from police groups on the Supreme Court, it issued a rare “clarification” statement of its judgment, pointing out that Ghanaim’s car was travelling too slowly to have ever put Mizrahi in any danger.

Mr Farah added that Mossawa’s investigations had revealed that, despite police claims, Ghanaim was the documented owner of the car he was driving.

The police, Mr Farah added, had supported Mizrahi throughout the case and had continued paying his police salary after his conviction.

The court’s decision to increase Mizrahi’s sentence came in the wake of strong suspicions that police officers executed a Palestinian driver in East Jerusalem last month, shooting him twice in the head from close range as he lay on the ground.

Moments earlier, Ziad Jilani, who was married with three children, had fled on foot after driving into a detail of police, injuring several officers, in the Wadi Joz neighbourhood. Witnesses said a stone had smashed his windscreen seconds before he swerved.

In one of the few other recent prosecutions of a policeman for killing a Palestinian citizen, Rubi Gai was acquitted last year of the manslaughter of Nadim Milham, who was shot in the back during a police search of his home for weapons. Witnesses testified that police had beaten Milham and that he was shot as he fled.

A survey published last month by Haifa University found that only one in five Palestinian citizens expressed faith in the police.

Mr Aharonovitch upset the Palestinian minority last year during an inspection of undercover narcotics agents in Tel Aviv. He was caught on camera telling one detective dressed as a drug addict he looked like “a real Araboosh”, a derogatory Hebrew term for Arabs.

The minister, who is a member of Avigdor Lieberman’s far-right party Yisrael Beiteinu, apologised but added that the comment was a “moment of banter”.

Mahash, the justice ministry’s police investigations unit, has been harshly criticised for the small proportion of complaints against the police it agrees to investigate. It rarely prosecutes officers.

The police have also refused to cooperate in imposing official sanctions on wayward officers, with critics saying that officers found to have acted negilgently or violently towards Palestinian citizens are often rewarded with promotion.

The state commission of inquiry into the killing by police of 13 Palestinian protesters in October 2000 recommended that several officers be dismissed from service or denied promotion. The recommendations were disregarded.

In one notorious case, the commission found that Benzi Sau, a northern Border Police commander, had acted with gross negligence in allowing snipers to shoot at stone-throwing demonstrators. Despite suggesting a ban on his promotion for four years, he rapidly rose through the ranks, becoming head of the Border Police in Jerusalem in 2001 and national head of the Border Police in 2004.

Jonathan Cook is a writer and journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. His latest books are “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is


Isaiah 55:6Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Resolution Green-Lighting Israeli Strikes on Iran Introduced by House Republicans

Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?


"Huffington Post" -- Republicans in the House of Representatives have introduced a measure that would green-light an Israeli bombing campaign against Iran. The resolution, H.Res. 1553 (in full below), provides explicit support for military strikes against Iran, stating that Congress supports Israel's use of "all means necessary" against Iran "including the use of military force". US military leaders have warned that strikes could be catastrophic to US national security interests and could engulf the Middle East in a "calamitous" regional war.

Nearly a third of House Republicans have signed onto the resolution, which has been publicly discussed and circulated by its lead sponsor, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), for months. The National Iranian American Council is leading calls to oppose the measure, urging those concerned to demand that House Republican Leader John Boehner denounce the resolution.

The introduction of the measure coincides with a pattern of renewed calls for military strikes that have escalated since President Obama signed "crippling" Congressional Iran sanctions into law. Neoconservatives who were instrumental in orchestrating the Iraq War, such as Bill Kristol, and Reuel Marc Gerecht, have led the stepped up calls for military action.

Hawkish former Bush Administration official John Bolton recently laid out the game plan to prod Israel into attacking Iran, arguing that outsiders can "create broad support" for a strike by framing it as an issue of Israel's right to self defense. Supporters for military strikes, Bolton says, should "defend the specific tactic of pre-emptive attacks" against Iran. He urges that Congress can "make it clear" that it supports such strikes and that "having visible congressional support in place at the outset will reassure the Israeli government, which is legitimately concerned about Mr. Obama's likely negative reaction to such an attack."

In spite of enthusiasm from the neocons, top US military leaders have warned of the many dangers of military strikes against Iran. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has argued, "Another war in the Middle East is the last thing we need. In fact, I believe it would be disastrous on a number of levels." Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has expressed his own serious reservations about an attack, stating, "Iran getting a nuclear weapon would be incredibly destabilizing. Attacking them would also create the same kind of outcome. In an area that's so unstable right now, we just don't need more of that." General David Petraeus has warned that a strike on Iran would be utilized by the Iranian government to unite it's otherwise divided populace.

Simulations have been conducted over the past year to assess the outcome of a preemptive military strike against Iran. One such simulation, by the Brookings Institution's Saban Center, found that strikes would draw the US into the conflict that would engulf the region into war, and would enable Iran to use the attacks as an opportunity to unite the Iranian people and dismantle its opposition. The simulation also found that the strikes could not destroy Iran's nuclear program but merely set it back a few years.

An Oxford Research Group report released recently reinforced those findings and also warned that an Israeli attack would be disastrous and would be unlikely to stop Iran's nuclear program. Instead, the report concluded attacks could convince Iran to withdraw from the international Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and to aggressively seek to develop nuclear weapons.

Iranian activists have urged that even raising the specter of war undercuts the opposition in Iran. "The mere fact that Obama didn't make military threats made the Green Movement possible," noted Akbar Ganji. "A military attack would destroy all of that."

Iran Resolution -

Isaiah 55:6
Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

War on Terror or War of Terror?

Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?


Critical evidence from the British government and other sources suggest that the “War on Terror” has actually destabilized the Middle East and increased the terror threat throughout the globe. The former head of Britain’s MI5 – Baroness Manningham-Buller – finds that the Iraq war has dramatically contributed to the growing terror danger as directed against the United Kingdom and its citizens.

Britain has been forced to double the budget devoted to investigating terrorist plots following the 2003 invasion.
An official British inquiry into the proposed invasion warned of just such an increase in the terror threat. This means that the destabilizing affects of Western attacks were predicted in advance of attacks that were seen as illegal under international law (as British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg recently conceded) .

Buller’s confession is an admission that the war in Iraq has further inflamed anti-U.S. and anti-U.K. sentiment. When considering it along other critical studies, it looks as if the war has contributed to a greater hostility toward British foreign policy more generally among the majority of Middle Easterners, and among British nationals more specifically (Buller is most concerned with the latter group). She concludes that “a whole generation of young people” have been “radicalized’ by what is perceived as an attack on Islam.

The Blair administration, Buller states, conceded that the war increased the terror threat at home: the budget increases for anti-terror operations were “unheard of, certainly unheard of today, but he (Blair) and the Treasury and the chancellor accepted that because I was able to demonstrate the scale of the problem that we were confronted by.” The growing threat to Britain seems all the more plausible in light of the 7/7 2005 terrorist bombings in London, which killed more than 50 civilians and were motivated by anger at the British invasion of Iraq.

Buller concedes what should be known by most in the U.S. and U.K. today – the terror threat has grown in the wake of the Iraq invasion, despite the fact that Iraq posed no real national security threat to the West. Buller admits that MI5 had refused to contribute to the intelligence comprising the British government’s dossier against Iraq’s “WMD threat” in 2002. The reason is clear enough: there was “no credible evidence” that Iraq was linked to the 9/11 attacks, and Saddam Hussein was “unlikely” to support any attacks against the U.S. or U.K. unless his regime’s survival was threatened. These conclusions were shared with the Bush administration at the time, and promptly ignored by a U.S. administration whose members had been set on going to war for more than 10 years.

Buller also discusses a point well known among critics of U.S. foreign policy on the left: the invasion of Iraq has actually served as one of the best recruiters for Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and loosely affiliated Islamist terror groups. As Buller describes with regards to U.S.-U.K. actions in Iraq: “Arguably, we gave Osama bin Laden his Iraqi jihad.” In short, those throughout the Muslim world see the U.S.-allied occupation as motivated by imperial ambitions for oil; they see the torture and abuses in which American and British troops are responsible, and they are reacting critically. Targeting of U.S. and allied forces has become far more common now than it was prior to 9/11.

Buller’s MI5 based conclusions are not the first time it’s been conceded that the “War on Terror” actually increases the global terror threat. Terrorism experts Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank found through their own statistical analysis that the 2003 invasion was accompanied by an “Iraq Effect” in which terrorist attacks escalated dramatically from 2003 to 2006 (the time period when the study was conducted). More specifically, their report finds that: “the rate of terrorist attacks around the world by jihadist groups and the rate of fatalities in those attacks increased dramatically after the invasion of Iraq. Globally there was a 607 percent rise in the average yearly incidence of attacks (28.3 attacks per year before and 199.8 after) and a 237 percent rise in the average fatality rate (from 501 to 1,689 deaths per year). A large part of this rise occurred in Iraq, which accounts for fully half of the global total of jihadist terrorist attacks in the post-Iraq War period.

But even excluding Iraq, the average yearly number of jihadist terrorist attacks and resulting fatalities still rose sharply around the world by 265 percent and 58 percent respectively.” Subsequent empirical studies of the decline of violence in Iraq after 2007 demonstrated that the reduction came about, not because of the success of the "surge" in promoting humanitarianism, but because the ethnic cleansing in cities like Baghdad had essentially succeeded (with the help of U.S. troops disarming Sunni communities in the name of "counter-insurgency"), and with the Shia militias winning the civil war against Iraq's Sunnis (for more, see: and dimaggio02272009.html). In short, violence declined because there were fewer people to kill following the successful ethnic cleansing.

Additional journalistic investigation finds that the policy of torture and mistreatment at Guantanamo, in Iraq, and in Afghanistan (often directed against those whose terrorist ties were questionable to non-existent, but were nonetheless picked up in blanket raids in Afghanistan and Iraq) led to a further intensification of anti-U.S. sentiment in the Muslim world. As McClatchy Newspapers concluded in an eight month investigation in 11 countries, U.S. detainees were often kept “on the basis of flimsy or fabricated evidence…McClatchy interviewed 66 released detainees, more than a dozen local officials in Afghanistan, and U.S. officials with intimate knowledge of the detention program...This unprecedented compilation shows that most of the 66 were low level Taliban grunts, innocent Afghan villagers, or ordinary criminals. At least seven had been working for the U.S. backed Afghan government and had no ties to militants…many of the detainees posed no danger to the U.S. or its allies”.

Through its investigations, McClatchy found that “prisoner mistreatment became a regular feature in cellblocks and interrogation rooms at Bagram and Kandahar air bases, the two main way stations in Afghanistan en route to Guantanamo…the investigation found that top Bush administration officials knew within months of opening the Guantanamo detention center that many of the prisoners there weren’t ‘the worst of the worst,’” as “it was obvious [from military administrators] that at least a third of the population didn’t belong there.”

American soldiers were often gullible in that they accepted “false reports passed along by informants and officials looking to settle old grudges in Afghanistan, a nation that had experienced more than two decades of occupation and civil war before U.S. troops arrived". The lack of connections of many detainees to any terror operations looks especially tragic in hindsight, considering that the torture visited upon these individuals contributed to their radicalization against the United States. As McClatchy reports, “U.S. detention policies fueled support for extremist Islamist groups. For some detainees who went home far more militant than when they arrived, Guantanamo became a school for jihad.”

The above evidence strongly suggests that the U.S. and U.K. primarily play a destabilizing role throughout the world, rather than fighting terrorism and ensuring world order out of chaos. Global public opinion polls have long found that most throughout the world view the U.S. as one of the primary threats to global security, rather than the protector of world order. These revelations are likely to elude many Americans, as the evidence above is not widely disseminated in the U.S. press. American journalists have long been content to uncritically repeat statements from liberal and conservative political officials (typically accompanied with no evidence) that the “War on Terror” must continue in order to keep America, its allies, and the Middle East “safe.” In reality, though, the U.S. and U.K. are not fighting a War on Terror, but a War of Terror.

Anthony DiMaggio is the editor of media-ocracy (, a daily online magazine devoted to the study of media, public opinion, and current events. He is the author of When Media Goes to War (2010) and Mass Media, Mass Propaganda (2008). He can be reached at:

Isaiah 55:6
Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Avandia fraud explained: Why Big Pharma keeps lying about its drugs

Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?


(NaturalNews) Sometimes the degree of fraud that takes place in the drug industry is so mind-boggling that it's hard to determine whether drug regulators and the media are paying attention at all. For the past several months, drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been under scrutiny for tampering with clinical trial data for its diabetes drug, Avandia.

Reports show that the company lied about Avandia's safety in order to get the drug approved and keep it on the market. But despite numerous pieces of credible evidence and witness testimonies that have all come forward -- all of which reveal GSK's deception -- an FDA advisory panel is still recommending that Avandia remain on the market.

Back in February, a Senate Finance Committee report revealed that not only is Avandia dangerous, but GSK knows this and has deliberately tried to hide this crucial information from the public. The report even goes so far as to openly name the FDA as a culprit in conspiring with GSK (and other drug companies) to deceive the public. (You can read the article I wrote about this report at:

Right after this extensive report was released, an FDA advisory panel voted 22 - 1 in favor of keeping the drug on the market. And just a few days ago, another FDA panel did the same thing following official hearings that showed even further that GSK committed fraud in getting Avandia approved. (It has since been revealed that at least one expert on the FDA panel voting for Avandia's approval was on the take, receiving "speaking fees" from GSK. But no one seems to care about this disturbing fact...)

You can read the details of the report at the following link:

The lies and manipulation of GlaxoSmithKline

Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for skewing the truth in order to get their next blockbuster drug approved for sale. These companies are vicious, money-hungry, multi-national corporate monsters that will stop at nothing to make an obscene profit, even if it means exposing their customers to harm.

It's one thing for a company that sells, say, televisions, to lie about the quality of its product. Nobody ultimately dies from false claims about a poor quality TV and, if found guilty, the company that produced the TV will likely be held liable for any crimes it committed through deceptive marketing. But when it comes to drug companies that peddle dangerous toxins as medicine, it's a whole different story.

Sadly, Big Pharma is one of the most protected industries on the planet. Big Pharma gets away with murder (literally), and nobody really seems to care. You and I would be hauled off to jail immediately for doing even a small fraction of what Big Pharma does, but when Big Pharma does it, the blinders go up because observers falsely believe that drugs are "science-based", and that the wonderful drug companies would never do anything to harm us.

Such thinking is pure foolishness, of course, especially when you examine the plain facts in the GSK case.

Hiding the truth

First of all, internal documents reveal that GSK knew about the dangers of Avandia since the early days of its development, but didn't disclose any of this information to the public or to the FDA. And why would they? The FDA, according to the same reports, has been in collusion with GSK since the beginning to hide the truth, so GSK has had no reason to disclose anything.

Think about it. GSK created a diabetes drug that, at its high point, was raking in more than $3 billion a year in profits. GSK spent millions of dollars for research and development of the drug, paid for the clinical trials, and purchased approval from the FDA for the several million dollars it costs to complete the FDA drug application. And GSK did all this knowing full well that the drug causes a substantial increase in the risk of heart attacks and death.

With all of this in mind, do you really think that the company is now going to simply own up to the fact that it lied, and willingly agree to have the drug pulled from the market?

Truth be told, drug companies like GSK practically never tell the truth. They don't have to. Even when their racket gets exposed, it all gets glossed over and covered up by the bureaucrats in our government agencies.

GSK's flawed safety studies

It's amazing to me just how many people put their trust in the "safety studies" the drug companies conduct on their own drugs. That such studies are considered credible by anyone just goes to show you that critical thinking skills are severely lacking among both the public and members of the medical profession.

Drug companies spend millions of dollars on studies and clinical trials that are designed to show that their drug is safe, and with enough manipulation, they usually get the results they're looking for. These studies have little or nothing to do with actual science or unbiased inquiry; it's all about using "pretend science" to produce a result that will allow them to achieve FDA approval.

And this scenario is no different in GSK's trials for Avandia which, according to reports, didn't properly reflect the inherent dangers of the drug.

When challenged about her concerns over the quality of GSK's safety data for Avandia, Dr. Nancy Geller, a member of the FDA advisory committee and director of the Office of Biostatistics Research at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, responded by explaining that clinical trial data is "not [reliable] if you report the wrong follow-up date and not if you withdraw someone from a trial just before their death."

In other words, drug companies change all sorts of things during a trial in order to achieve a desired result (which makes them anything but trustworthy). This includes removing people from the clinical trial right before they die in order to avoid having a death statistic show up in the final data. Oh look, is Mary about to expire? Hurry, kick her out of the testing group before she ruins the safety record of our drug!

These are the types of things GSK was doing to hide the truth about Avandia. To call these clinical trials "scientific" is an affront to the entire science community. And yet, somehow, the scientists continue to go along with all this...

According to a leaked internal GSK email, study results from a 1999 trial of Avandia that found the drug to be dangerous were intentionally kept "under the radar". Dr. Martine Freed, a GSK company executive, explained in that same email that none of the data from that particular study should "see the light of day to anyone outside of GSK."

Bloomberg's BusinessWeek has the full report on the FDA Panel's evaluation prior to its Wednesday vote:

FDA orders GSK to do another trial

The funny thing about all this is that, in light of the concerns over GSK's trial tampering, the FDA actually ordered the company to conduct another trial to reevaluate Avandia's safety. How this was expected to accomplish anything productive is anyone's guess, considering that GSK lied about the previous trials. What makes the FDA think that a new trial is going to be beneficial? (But remember, insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results, and the FDA isn't anything if not insane...)

But that's the way the game is played between the FDA and Big Pharma. It's a never-ending circus of so-called investigations and busywork designed to fabricate the results they're looking for. Nobody asks the tough questions, and nobody ever states the obvious which, in this case, is that GSK committed fraud and must be held criminally responsible. The two entities work hand-in-hand to fulfill an agenda that's based on greed and nothing more. Science is abandoned from the start.

FDA panel refuses to support pulling Avandia from the market, let alone prosecute GSK

So after witness testimonies (one of which you can read about here: ) and a pile of credible evidence presented as part of the mounting case against GSK, an FDA advisory panel voted last Wednesday to recommend that Avandia remain on the market, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Twenty of the 33 members ultimately voted against pulling Avandia from the market, and the FDA is expected to make its final decision about the drug soon, based on this recommendation.

You can read the full Wall Street Journal article here:

Members of the panel who voted against pulling Avandia from the market explained to reporters that they believe there isn't strong enough clinical data to show that Avandia is dangerous. But how much more evidence do these panel members need to conclude that there's a problem?

If evidence of falsified study data and reports showing that Avandia is dangerous isn't enough, it's difficult to say whether any amount of evidence would ever be enough for these people. According to the BusinessWeek article, the FDA itself even posted official remarks on its website stating that GSK mishandled its earlier Avandia trials, but apparently even that isn't enough for some of the FDA advisory panel members to put two and two together.

It seems that even if GSK came right out tomorrow and admitted that Avandia is dangerous (which the company's leaked internal emails basically reveal on their own), some members of the FDA advisory panel would argue with the company itself, saying that there's not enough evidence and that the drug should stay on the market.

And what about the potentially 100,000 heart attacks and deaths that may be linked to Avandia? Aw, just sweep that under the rug. Pretend it doesn't exist. Dead people don't talk, and they don't sue corporations either, so that's nothing to be concerned about.

All diabetes drugs are dangerous, Avandia is just more dangerous

Oddly enough, the primary issue with Avandia in this case isn't just that it causes heart attacks or that the company lied about its research, but rather that Avandia trials show the drug appears to be more dangerous than competitor's drugs like Actos. In fact, the main focus at the hearing was whether or not GSK had falsified study data to make it look as if Avandia isn't any worse than Actos.

In reality, both Actos and Avandia can cause heart failure. They both come from the thiazolidinediones family of diabetes drugs, and they're both potentially dangerous. In fact, both drugs bear the FDA's "black box" warning label, which is the agency's most extreme warning label.

So you've really got these two drug companies arguing over which of their drugs kills fewer people. And achieving that requires distorting a lot of clinical trials, burying other trials, spreading the money around to FDA panel experts and other similar criminal activities which now seem to typify Big Pharma.

What's now obvious to us all is that GSK lied about the safety of Avandia, and it has harmed untold numbers of people as a result. According to a statistical analysis in the Senate Finance Committee report, more than 83,000 heart attacks have been caused by Avandia. Several hundred people reportedly die every month because of Avandia.

So removing Avandia from the market is only a very small part of the equation. True justice will be served when GSK is held criminally responsible for lying to the FDA and deceiving the public. GSK's greed is harming and killing thousands of people every single year, and regulators are bickering over whether or not Avandia is a little more dangerous than Actos. Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

I've mentioned this before in previous articles, but there actually is a cure for diabetes, and it doesn't involve either Avandia or Actos. You won't hear about it from the mainstream media or the medical industrial complex, but we've got some great resources here on NaturalNews that talk all about it, and you can find those at:

The truth is no person needs to take Avandia or Actos. Both drugs are needless, irrelevant and entirely outmoded. Simple foods and nutrition can cure diabetes, especially when tied to small doses of regular physical exercise. Rather than pushing dangerous, deadly drugs onto patients, our nation's doctors should be well versed in nutrition and exercise physiology. They should be recommending radical changes in the diets of diabetic patients to get them off all refined, dead foods and onto fresh, living foods and superfoods.

This is the true answer to our nation's diabetes pandemic. But of course teaching patients how to take care of their own health never made a dime for Big Pharma. And sending a patient home with the knowledge they need to stay well and avoid hospitals and doctor visits never made any money for the doctors.

America's health system isn't designed to keep you well, or cure your disease, or even prevent disease. It's designed to sucker you into a system of pharmaceutical dependency that's fronted by drug-pushing physicians who for the most part believe that patients have virtually no role in their own health or disease -- and only doctors know what they're talking about.

That might carry some weight if the doctors themselves weren't dying of cancer, heart attacks and strokes -- all at a rate much higher than the general public. There are a lot of sick, dying conventional MDs out there. They're all on pharmaceuticals. They all believe in the "science" of Big Pharma. And they're all paying for that foolish gullibility with their lives.

Don't you make the same mistake.

And just for the record, there are also some really good MDs who don't buy into Big Pharma's lies and who actually follow a more holistic, natural lifestyle. If you can find one of those, stick with them!

Additional sources for this story include:

Isaiah 55:6
Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Scariest Unemployment Graph I've Seen Yet

Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?


The median duration of unemployment is higher today than any time in the last 50 years. That's an understatement. It is more than twice as high today than any time in the last 50 years.

OK, you're saying, but what does this mean? Does it mean we must increase the duration of unemployment benefits to protect this new class of unemployed, or does it mean we need to stop subsidizing joblessness? Does it mean we need to expand federal retraining programs, or does it mean federal retraining programs aren't working? Does it mean we need more stimulus, more state aid, more infrastructure projects, more public works ... or does it mean it's time to stop everything, stand back and let business be business?

You're going to find smart people make a case for all six of the above public policy directions. (I tend to side with the first of each coupling.) It's hard to know for sure how to design public policy for historically unique crises precisely because they are historical orphans, without precedent to show us the right way from the wrong.

One of my first reactions to this graph was: Surely this is why we don't have to worry about inflation for a very, very long time. However, here's evidence that despite the historically inverse relationship between inflation and joblessness, "the long-term unemployed put less downward pressure on inflation." Ultimately, this is a graph that should humble policy makers more than it should scare them into confidently arguing they know exactly how to fix it.

Isaiah 55:6
Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Your webcam can be controlled by someone else to watch you

Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?

Any government can do this too.



A man in Germany has been arrested for spying on more than 150 girls in their bedrooms by hacking into their computers and using their webcams to watch them, provoking warnings that others will be doing the same thing.

The hacker, from the Rhineland area, is suspected of having infected computers with a program enabling him to manipulate webcams:

The hacker had allegedly broken into the chat service account of one schoolgirl, and used it to choose which others he wanted to spy upon, and send the Trojan to their computers.

He was traced to the Aachen region and arrested – when police officers arrived at his home they found several live feeds to bedroom cameras running on his computer.

The police investigator said he believed that

many more people were doing the same thing. “I have visited 50 to 60 schools, and every time at least one schoolgirl tells me they have such a problem [with webcams not switching off]... one should be careful to note whether a computer continues to run when it is no longer being used.
Did you know that that could be done?

Isaiah 55:6
Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?

Source: (Spanish)

The great international complicity with the Israeli periodic massacres are gestating for fear of Israel, but for fear of representing the Jewish state. Israel is the most emblematic symbol, the country's territorial Zionism capitalist who controls the world without borders since the boards of the banks and corporations. Israel is basically the national representation of a Zionist world power is the owner of the State of Israel as well as the U.S. State and other States to natural resources and economic and productive systems. And who controls the planet from central banks, major media networks and military nuclear arsenals.

A) The hidden power

Israel, is the clearest geographical reference of the capitalist system which controls transnationalized from governments to productive economic systems and mass media, both in the core countries and in the developing world and peripherals.

The Jewish state, beyond its impact as a nation, is the most representative symbol of a world power in its springs controlled by minority groups critical of Jewish origin, and a structure made up of technocrats, strategists and networks operate industrial, technological, military, financial and media transnational capitalism spread throughout the four corners of the planet.

With a population of about 7.35 million inhabitants, Israel is the world's only Jewish state.

But when it comes to Israel, we speak (by extension) the most significant reference of a globalized capitalist system that controls governments, countries, productive economic systems, central banks, financial centers, nuclear arsenals and military-industrial complex.

When we talk about Israel, we speak first and foremost a strategic design of global power that protects, interactive and totaled, which is specified by an infinite network of partnerships and channels of communication between financial capital, industrial and service that makes countries managements and governments enclave.

The Zionist lobby that supports and legitimizes the existence of Israel, not a State in the distant Middle East, but a system of global economic power (capitalist system) of banks and corporations with Jews dominating the majority of stock options or hegemony management decisions and directives from executive positions.

Whoever takes the trouble to investigate the names of the members of the directories or the shareholders of the large transnational corporations and U.S. and European banks that control from foreign and domestic trade to productive economic systems of countries, both central " underdeveloped "or" emerging ", you can easily check that (in an overwhelming majority) are of Jewish origin.

The directors and shareholders of the first thirty transnational mega-corporations and banks (the largest in the world) that are listed on the Dow Jones index on Wall Street, are mostly Jewish.

Megacorporations of capitalism without borders as Wal-Mart Stores, Walt Disney, Microsoft, Pfizer Inc, General Motors, Hewlett Packard, Home Depot, Honeywell, IBM, Intel Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, American International Group, American Express, AT & T, Boeing Co (arms), Caterpillar, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Dupont, Exxon Mobil (oil), General Electric, McDonalds, Merck & Co, Procter & Gamble, United Technologies, Verizon, are controlled and / or managed by capital and people of Jewish origin.

These corporations represent the cream of the crop of large transnational consortiums Jewish Zionists who, through the lobby pursued by U.S. and European embassies, dictate and influence the world politics and the behavior of governments, armies, or public or private global institutions.

They are masters of the invisible world: those who run countries and presidents by remote control as if they were puppets of last generation.

Those who inquire with the same criterion, in addition, media, cultural or artistic industry, business associations, social organizations, foundations, professional organizations, NGOs, both central and peripheral countries, it'll be amazed at the remarkable impact of Jewish people in the highest levels of decision.

The three major U.S. television networks (CNN, ABC, NBC and Fox), the three major newspapers (The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Washington Post) are controlled and managed (through stock options or families) Jewish lobby groups, notably New York.

Likewise, as the three most influential magazines (Newsweek, Time and The New Yorker), and consortia hegemonic Internet as Time-Warner (merged with America on Line) or Yahoo, are controlled by Jewish capital management and operating at network level and conglomerates intertwined with other companies.

Colossi of Hollywood and entertainment such as The Walt Disney Company, Warner Brothers, Columbia Pictures, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, among others, are part of this interactive network of Zionist imperialist capital.

The concentration of global capital in mega-mega-groups or companies controlled by Zionist capital, in an overwhelming proportion, allows all planetary decisions in the economy, society, politics, culture, etc. and represents the most defining aspect of globalization imposed by the global power of the imperial capitalist system.

The main objective of this expansive transnationalized Zionist capitalism is the control and domination (through wars of conquest or "democratic systems) of natural resources and economic systems - production, in an action that advocates and theorists call" policies marketplace. "

Transnational capitalism, global scale, is the owner of the states and their economic resources and productive systems, not only dependent world, but also the core capitalist countries.

Thus central governments are dependent enclave managements (for left or right) than discursive variants running the same program the same economic and strategic lines of political and social control.

This transnational capitalism "without borders" of the Zionist lobby which supports the State of Israel rests on two pillars: the computerized financial speculation (territorial seat on Wall Street) and the military-industrial technology of last generation (whose maximal expression of development focuses on the U.S. Military Industrial Complex).

The international Zionist lobby, which are based on the pillars of existence of the State of Israel, controlled by governments, armies, police, productive economic structures, financial systems, political systems, scientific and technological structures, socio-cultural structures, international media structures, to the power of world policeman sitting on nuclear arsenals, military-industrial complexes and equipment for deployment of U.S. military and the Central Powers.

At this power, and not the State of Israel, they fear the presidents, politicians, journalists and intellectuals who are silent or distort daily genocide of Israel in the Middle East fearful of being buried under the tombstone lifetime of anti-Semitism .

B) The imperial lobby

The pro-Israeli Zionist lobby, the network of hidden power that controls White House, the Pentagon and the Federal Reserve does not pray in the synagogues, but in the Cathedral of Wall Street. One detail to consider, to not confuse religion with myth and business.

When referring to the Zionist lobby (which they call pro-Israeli lobby), most experts and analysts speak of a group of officials and technocrats, in whose hands is the design and implementation of U.S. military policy.

In this lobby pressure is credited with the strategic goal of imposing permanent military agenda and political and geopolitical interests of the government and the State of Israel in U.S. foreign policy.

As a definition, the pro-Israeli lobby is a giant machine economic and political pressure that operates simultaneously on all levels of institutional power U.S.: White House, Congress, Pentagon, State Department, CIA and agencies of the intelligence community, including the most important.

Through the political use of financial power, its strategic position in decision-making centers, financial lobby groups exert influence on the domestic and foreign policy in the U.S., the first imperial power, in addition to its dominant role in financing of political parties, presidential candidates and congressmen.

At Imperial, the financial power of the lobby is expressed mainly by the U.S. Federal Reserve, a key agency for the assembly and reproduction of speculative capital on a global level.

The heart of the American Zionist lobby is the powerful Wall Street financial sector that has direct implication and participation in the appointment of key officials from the U.S. government and supervisory bodies of monetary policy and credit institutions (national and international) based in Washington and New York.

The economic and financial bodies such as OECD, World Bank, IMF, are under direct control of central banks and governments of the U.S. and controlled by the powers international Zionist lobby (Britain, Germany, France, Japan, among the most outstanding).

International organizations and alliances like the UN, the Security Council and NATO are controlled by the Zionist axis USA-European Union whose powers are central to ensure the impunity of the Israeli military killings in the Middle East, as happened with the last slaughter activists in solidarity with the people of Gaza.

The main lobby financial institutions (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, etc) and banks (Citigroup, JP Morgan and Merrill Lynch, etc.) decisively influence the appointment of the heads of the Federal Reserve, Treasury, and the Secretariat of Commerce, in addition to the directors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

C) The myth of anti-Semitism

This phenomenon of "global capitalist power" Jew, not Israel, is what they fear the presidents, politicians, journalists, and intellectuals who meticulously avoided naming newspapers condemn or Israeli military genocide in Gaza, repeating what they did during the Israeli slaughter in Lebanon in 2006.

The great international complicity with the Israeli periodic massacres are gestating for fear the State of Israel but for fear of representing the State of Israel.

It is not Israel, a Zionist state again, but the "Greater Israel", the homeland of world Jewry (with stolen land to Palestinians), which all Jews around the world are feeling lavish scattered around the world.

It is not Israel but the powerful world Jewish organizations and communities who supported the genocide block Israeli military in Gaza, who use their power and "prestige scale" (built by its historical victimization in the Holocaust) to become a social leper who dares to criticize or speak out against the extermination Israeli military in Gaza.

The governments of the capitalist world, journalists, intellectuals, trade unions and social organizations are not afraid of Israel, but to their social stoning as "anti-Semitic" (nickname he gives the facing and / or withdrawal of Jewish Zionism.)

Do not fear the State of Israel, but to the children of Israel hidden in the major decision centers of global power, especially economic, financial and media-cultural.

Politicians, intellectuals and journalists are not afraid of the system to Israel, but they fear the media, Jewish organizations and companies, and its influence on governments and economic and cultural processes Zionist capitalist system issued by all countries worldwide.

Ultimately fear that companies, universities, international organizations and foundations that fund me Zionists promote their promotions and positions in the machinery of the system's declared "anti-Semitic" and leave no job, no vacation and no pension.

That's the main reason that explains why intellectuals, academics and journalists live mulling brainy system analysis of "real" political, economic and social development without the presence of the word Jew or capitalist system that pays for their services.

While there is a group of intellectuals and left-wing Jewish militants (including Chomsky and Gelman, among others) who condemned and protested against the Israeli genocide in Gaza, the overwhelming majority of Jewish communities and organizations on a global scale explicitly supported the slaughter of civilians in Gaza, arguing that it was a "war on terrorism."

Although Israel did not invade or military genocide perpetrated in Gaza with the Jewish religion, but with F-16 aircraft, missiles, cluster bombs, Apache helicopters, tanks, heavy artillery, ships, computer systems, and a strategy and extermination plan large-scale military, who disputes that slaughter is convicted of "anti-Semitic" by the world Jewish power distributed around the world.

Although the Zionist Jewish lobby that controls Israel, as well as the White House, Treasury and U.S. Federal Reserve does not pray in the synagogues, but in the Cathedral of Wall Street, who criticize him is immediately branded as "anti-Semitic "or" Nazi "by the media and cultural structures controlled by the world Jewish power.

The campaigns against anti-Semitism with which Israel and Jewish organizations seeking to neutralize the criticism against the slaughter, address the issue as if the Jewish Zionism (support of the state of Israel) was a matter "racial" or religious, not a imperial domination system comprising interactively economic, political, social and cultural, overcoming the issue of race or religious beliefs.

The Zionist lobby does not control the world with religion: you deal with banks, corporations, economic hegemony over-production systems, control over natural resources, control of the information network and global manipulation, and management of social values through advertising, consumer culture and standardized and globalized by the media.

In short, the Jewish lobby does not represent any synagogue or racial expression, it is the structure that handles global power through control over economic and financial centers and strategic decision of the capitalist system expanded as a civilization "unique."

Rather than by religion and race, the Zionist lobby and its networks are moving through a functional political ideology: Zionism preceded imperial capitalist market, the concentration of wealth, "business policy", any philosophy that chafes the notions of "good" or "bad" understood within social parameters.

So: What do we mean by "anti-Semitism" or "religious anti-Judaism? What reference parameters underlying the condition of" anti-Semitic "? Who is anti-Semitic? Who criticizes the Jews for their religion or race in the societies of the world?

At best, the Jews, as is proven in the social reality of any country, not criticize them for their religion or racial status but for its excessive attachment to the status of money (also grown by other groups) and integrate structures or hierarchies of power within an unjust system of oppression and exploitation of man by man, as is the capitalist system.

Unless minority of fanatics and racist that only represent themselves in society (except the German Nazis and some exceptions) almost never were "religious or racial persecution" of Jews, if there was a Jewish association with the "worst side of capitalism, represented in the economic system and financial speculation.

In summary:

The Zionist lobby that protects the State of Israel (for "right" and "left) is formed by a structure of strategists and technocrats who operate industrial networks, technological, military, financial and media transnational capitalism spread throughout the four corners the planet.

Their networks are expressed through a multiplicity of organizations dedicated to promoting current global model, among which mainly include: The Hudson Institute, The RAND Corporation, The Brookings Institution, The Trilateral Commission, The World Economic Forum, Aspen Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtiges Politik, Bilderberg Group, Cato Institute, Tavestock institute, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, among others.

All of these think tanks or "brain banks", bring together the best technocrats, scientists and scholars in their respective fields, graduates of U.S. universities, Europe and around the world.

The lobby does not respond only to the State of Israel (as analysts say the "right side" of the neocons) but to a Zionist world power is the owner of the State of Israel as well as the U.S. State and other States with its natural resources and economic and productive systems.

The lobby is not only in the White House but deals with all levels of the operations of capitalism at transnational level, which is in the strategic design of large charmans heads and executives of banks and multinational companies that sit on the Washington Consensus and share the planet like a cake.

Neither left nor right party to talk about this 'totaled' for the simple reason that both are fused (by way of alternatives faced falsely) to programs and strategies of transnational capitalism that controls the planet.

Therefore, and while not articulate a new strategic understanding system (a "third position" revolutionary learning and knowledge) the world power that controls the planet will continue perpetuating the false choices of "left" and "right."

And the Jewish lobby "right" of conservative Republicans continue to happen to the Jewish lobby "left" of the Liberal Democrats in a strategic continuity of the same lines guiding the global Zionist empire.

And the massacres of the State of Israel will, as before, unpunished and protected by the structures of world power system Zionist capitalist who sees it as "home territory."

(*) Manuel Freytas is a journalist, researcher, analyst structures of power, intelligence specialist and strategic communication. One of the most popular authors and referenced on the Web.
View her work at Google and IAR News

Isaiah 55:6
Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16
For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life

God bless you!
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